The Retina is the light sensitive film in the back of the eye. The image is perceived here and transmitted to the brain by the optic nerve. The vitreous is the clear gel that fills the back of the eye. Diseases of the retina can affect any age. Premature infants can be affected by a disease called - ROP (Retinopathy of pre-maturity). Heredity and age related degenerations can affect the retina - especially the central most sensitive part of the retina called 'macula'.
The retina can detach from the back of the eye - a condition called 'Retinal Detachment'. The Vitreous gel can become opaque due to blood - a condition called 'Vitreous hemorrhage’ this condition can occur in diabetes, following injury and in other conditions too.
FFA (FUNDUS Fluorescein Angiography) Fluorescein angiography, is a clinical test to look at blood circulation inside the eye, it aids in the diagnosis of retinal conditions associated with diabetes, age-related macular degeneration, and other eye abnormalities.
Fluorescein, an orange-red dye, is injected into a vein in the arm. The dye travels through the body to the blood vessels in the retina. A special camera with a filter flashes a blue light into the eye and takes multiple photographs of the retina and also helps to monitor the course of the disease and its treatment. It may be repeated on multiple occasions. No X-rays are involved.
If there are abnormal blood vessels, the dye leaks into the retina or stains the blood vessels. Damage to the lining of the retina or a typical new blood vessels may be revealed as well.These abnormalities are determined through a careful interpretation of the photographs by an ophthalmologist.

Optical Coherence Tomography III:

OCT with maximum resolution gives an excellent cut section optical view for in depth analysis of the retina. We at Aditya Jyot began the use of this diagnostic modality for macular diseases for the first time in India. OCT is a non-invasive, non-contact, trans-pupillary imaging technology which can image retinal structures in vivo, with a resolution of 10 to 17 microns. Cross sectional images of the retina are produced using the optical backscattering of light in a fashion analogous to B scan ultra sonography.The anatomic layers within the retina can be differentiated and retinal thickness can be measured. Besides this the optic disc and nerve fiber layer can be assessed in cases of Glaucoma.

  • 1. Optic nerve damage.
  • 2. Vision loss (visual field loss).
  • 3. Increased eye pressure (elevated intraocular pressure).